Services we offer

Whether it’s human, animal, plant or microbials, sequencing on illumina’s Novaseq, Xten, Miseq, Pacbio Sequel, Oxford Nanopore, we have got it covered. DNAClick use the most advanced technology used in modern technology so you will not be outdated in your publication.

Some of the applications being covered include Whole genome sequencing, Whole exome sequencing, Transcriptomic sequencing, 16S rDNA sequencing and many more.

Platforms used:

  • Illumina: Novaseq6000, Hiseq Xten, Miseq and Nextseq

  • Pacbio: Sequel II, Sequel I and RSII

  • Oxford Nanopore: PromethION


The order process:

1. Project design: We will communicate via email, voice call or Skype call whichever is your preferred option to discuss details about your project.

2.   Contract: Once we are on the same page, we will send you a formal quote (becomes a contract once signed) to execute. We will provide you all the details required to send your sample to our dedicated lab.

3.   Project management: During the process, we will communicate to inform the progress of your project from the start to the end.

4.   Payment: You only pay after you have received your result, term 30 days.


Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole Genome Sequencing is the most comprehensive analysing method as it examines the entire genome of a specimen. Through our extensive sequencing platform options and subsequent data filtering and mapping process, we generate highly accurate, quality data for single nucleotide variants, insertions/deletions, copy number changes, and large structural variants. WGS is available for any specimen types, including human, animal, plant and microorganisms, in both de novo and re-sequencing approaches.

We are accredited to accommodate not only research-based but also clinical samples for identifying inherited disorders, cancers, rare diseases, neuronal genetic disorders, and pharmacogenomics.

We are committed to offering a competitive price in the market, whilst always delivering top-quality data, high mapping ratio and accurate variant calls. Our latest platform options will also deliver WGS more efficiently than other service providers.


Transcriptome Sequencing

A transcriptome is a collection of all the transcripts present in a given cell. The sequence of an RNA mirrors the sequence of the DNA from which it was transcribed. Consequently, by analysing the entire collection of RNAs or transcriptome in a cell, researchers can determine when and where each gene is turned on or off in the cells and tissues of an organism.

When studying a living organism with no reference genome information, analysis of the transcriptome of the living organism is possible. Some of the transcriptome analysis includes: de novo assembly, novel gene discovery, identification of novel SNP and Indel, novel splice variants and gene fusion discovery, identification of fusion genes, transcriptome isoform discovery, quantitative determination, and identification of regulatory transcripts.

Whole Exome Sequencing

Exome sequencing would be the most cost-effective approach for sequencing the targeted coding region of a genome, a region that comprises 1–2% of the genome but represents 80–90% of variants found in the entire genome. Therefore, it would be a perfect solution for cancer and genetic-related studies as well as human population studies.

In comparison with WGS (whole genome sequencing), 10–20 times less output is required to analyse SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and Indels, meaning the variant analysis is easier, faster and uses fewer computation resources than the WGS approach.

Human WES and Mouse WES services are available.


Metagenome Sequencing.

Metagenome sequencing is a method of identifying microbial communities that exist in different environments. It is used primarily to analyse the distribution and types of bacteria and fungi. In other words, it is used to determine which microbial communities are present in a sample collected in a certain environment, and to identify their interactions and roles.

Moreover, the fusion primer is produced and experiments are conducted by mixing various samples, thus an analysis on archaea as well as bacteria can be performed. The number of genes in intestinal microorganisms is about 150 times greater than human genes. As the importance of the genome of microorganisms inhabiting the intestinal tract has recently gained attention, the metagenome is called the second genome.

We do loads more, just ask.

We can quote you on services you are currently running, all you have to do is ask. We offer a range of services other than NGS, like Microarray and Bioinformatics that come with the same great tailored service and prices. Send us an email and we can provide you with advice on what avenues to take when it comes to bang for buck and overall quality.